Friend Ships Unlimited (AKA Park West Children’s Fund, Inc.) is dedicated to fulfilling the Biblical scriptures that teach us to help people in times of need and to encourage others to do likewise. The organization works through the collection, delivery, and distribution of food, medical supplies, clothing, and building materials and by providing medical services and disaster relief and training. We provide aid to people of all races, nationalities, and religion. Programs give help to children, families, and individuals who are impoverished, refugees and/or victims of natural disaster and to the institutions who assist them. Friend Ships operates with all full time and part time unpaid volunteers, working within the US and in many areas around the world.
Port Mercy is where it all begins and ends! Every mission, every outreach is birthed at the Gulf Coast base that provides a home for our ships, boats, aircraft and all the trucks and heavy equipment necessary to carry out our job.
Friend Ships – Helicopter – in flightPort Mercy is where StoreHouse One collects and distributes food to local organizations on a daily basis; where our equipment receives care and maintenance between missions; where we gather, organize and store humanitarian aid; select and train new crew.
It is home to the Sea Hawk program and houses our main office where voyages are conceived and planned, resources are developed and channeled and all the basic administrative tasks carried out on a regular basis.
Every year natural disasters destroy entire communities, leaving thousands of people homeless, their crops and possessions destroyed and their livestock dead. These people need medical assistance, food, shelter and supplies to help them make it through the devastating time. They need to know that there are people who are concerned about them. Our team of dedicated relief workers do all they can to show God’s love and compassion. Many will come to know the saving grace of Jesus as a result of the team’s visit. Hope and Mersea help meet this need by being able to arrive swiftly at the port nearest the disaster site with food, supplies, emergency equipment, portable medical clinics, medical teams, relief personnel, helicopter support and other needed equipment and supplies. These ships also function as a home base for personnel.
If you feel like God is calling you to something new, we have many opportunities for you. Consider us for a new experience! We are currently accepting applications for long-term and short-term volunteers. The staff is comprised of a group of men and women from all walks of life, ordinary people with a common bond in our love for Jesus Christ and our desire to help the poor. Room and board are provided free of charge and there is no other cost to come and serve with us. The work is hard and the hours can be long, but if you are called to be a part of the Friend Ships team you will have the satisfaction and peace that you are doing what God has called you to do. We have positions available for engineers, electricians, electronic technicians, mechanics, pipe fitters, housekeepers, office workers, ship’s bosuns, ship’s mates, deck hands, welders, plumbers, drivers, carpenters, cooks, grounds keepers, gardeners and many others.