The Upper Room prayer ministry is an outreach of KAJN Radio and FamilyVision.The facility for the ministry is located at 110 W. 3rd Street in Crowley in a beautifully decorated suite of rooms above the studio of KAJN Radio.
The purpose of The Upper Room is to develop a relationship between the churches of south Louisiana and the listeners and viewers of KAJN and Family Vision by offering a prayer center to help fulfill the spiritual needs of people. The goal is to minister to the lost and hurting through prayer and God’s Word.
Volunteer prayer partners respond to calls, record information and help callers by praying and offering encouragement.
Since the ministry began in April 1996, The Upper Room has received an average of 30 phone call requests per day. The ministry also receives written requests from many prison inmates. Now, people from around south Louisiana and around the world can request prayer from any page on the web site.
Since The Upper Room is an outreach ministry, correspondence flows out daily to pastors, prayer partners, callers and inmates. Pastors of partnering churches receive the Pastors’ Letter twice a month, prayer partners receive informative updates, and those in need receive information and Scripture sheets on a variety of topics that will be of help. The Upper Room also distributes a lesson series called First Steps, designed to help new believers develop a growing, mature relationship with the Lord.
For more information about this unique prayer ministry or to become a prayer partner simply call or write us using the information below or send us an e-mail at The Upper Room